Sant Agatha Worf style!!!!!
So here we have the olimpia mummified with her breast cut out on a trey on top of the table. Here maid is Worf, who instead of flowers has a buquet of eyes. The whole decoration reminds me of miami beach... I wouldn't live there thats for sure!.
I'm going to try to be brief with this explanation...
The woman in the original painting was said to be a prostitute, and that caused quite a big commotion at the time. We're talking about 1800's, this had no decorum. So a thought: lets give the people what they want. So I covered her up, and gave her atributes of two saints, one is Saint Agatha who had her breasts cut out and the other one is Saint Lucia who had her eyes carved out. Not a nice way to die by the way.Made her a saint!!!
Worf's place in the whole scenario is not that clear somebody suggested it and I thought it was a good idea... and thats it.
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