For my first illustration I have chosen one that I consider very funny. It's a very simple illustration done with very basic photoshop tools but it has sort of a sentimental value for me. If you haven't guessed it yet its my vision of Manet's "Dejeuner sur l'herbe", one of my favorite painters. I've substituted all the characters except the women that seems to look right at you... makes you sort of wonder. So it was out of the question to eliminate her. The woman bathing is Bathsheba,wife of King David and mother of Salomon, who is one of the most hated women of the bible. I think they consider her a bitch, and thats why I thought it sort of fitted perfectly with the other woman that is supposed to be a prostitute. Then we have this really absurd guy at the front who is Borat and sort of gives it a litlle contemporary non-religious feel to it. Hes actually the sort of guys who would be in a situation like this, not like the real two gentlemen who Manet paints. For me those two have too much class, regardless of what books say about those two men. Unless they were high standing prostitutes...thats another story. The othe caracter is Osiris, one of the most important Gods in Egiptian mithology ( depending on the period but if I'm not mistaken he was commonly known in all periods because he was the faraon of the afterlife). Father to Horus and brother to Set. Borat and Osiris are two opposed ways of being...
At the end they both cancel each other out...only the two protitutes will out live them all!!!
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